Blogger Widgets

Thursday 28 February 2013

Hand is being a bad boy.

Duke believe me? Please dont tell him I said. Dont let him exile me.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Bye again!

I wont be on MSP forever so bye. I'm happy because I quit and I also succeeded my goal - to get to level 15 with no SMs. Im not sure if I should give away my account. Well bye and look at the poll and chat at the bottom. Tell all my friends to see this. LittleA, PennyField, animalover2012
JOSH I HATE YOU :D D: You stole my future girl friend... D:  Bye :D If you want to stay in touch add me on ROBLOX AwesomeUmer, yes I am quite famous in the clan world so yes. Thanks and bye.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Talk to me

At the bottom there is a chat box go talk there if you need to tell anyone something privately click their name then private chat.

Thanks for the 800 blog views.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Why come back?

One of my best friend 'forever' deleted me and she was telling me to come back. Wow!

I got hacked?

Give me proof im getting hacked please. I told MSP to check my blog to see your comments. Anyways take a screenshot and put it on your blog and then tell me your blog so I can e-mail MSP to see it! IF THEY WASTED MY DIAMONDS ANDSC THEY WILL NOT LIKE TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! BANNED, REPORTED, BLOCKED AND LOADS OF PEOPLE BELIEVE ME BECAUSE IM TRUTHFUL ILL TELL THEM WHAT YOU DONE!

Bye pollypopkins, if your reading this dump me, I dont think I will get on.
 R.I.P Eric Cassal!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Bye MSP!

Bye MSP! Im going to have to leave! Im leaving my account on it will be RARELY if I come on. Bye!
A special shout out to all my close friends! LittleA, PennyField, Animalover2012, skyler3, htyre, lauraH, poverty4, rose james, leanne copeland. I WILL MISS YOU!

R.I.P Eric Cassal! -failed his fight for cancer- “To die, to sleep - 
To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub,
For in this sleep of death what dreams may come...” 
― William.

Monday 11 February 2013

MSP computer locked out?

Has this only happened to me? It says a code you have to send to MSP. Only me?

Sunday 10 February 2013

Friday 8 February 2013

Thursday 7 February 2013

New pet reema

That is my new pet I bought a few days ago. I named her Reema. Its a girl, with a little bow. She looks cute.

Monday 4 February 2013


Can someone please buy me a wishy before the 7/2/13 because that is when my V.I.P expires, and all my stuff are V.I.P stuff. Cheapest wishy - 300sc Expensive wishy - 400sc. Thank you.

Sunday 3 February 2013


Stupid noob! I aint giving you nothing. Now go get a life. You dont have a BF in real. Wanna know why? Because you were voted the ugliest person in the world. You dont know how to use grammar. I could not be bothered either but still.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Help me, watch my movies

The one I circled please watch it, I want it to get 100 views. Its not a lot to ask for because look at all my other movies. So please watch it and share it.

Friday 1 February 2013


People have to stop being rude. Look at the poll on the bottom of the page and vote. Whatever one gets most votes I will do it.